As stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of National Education (the game) Number 45 Year 2010 regarding Graduation Criteria Educate Participants in Junior High School / Madrasah Tsanawiyah, Extraordinary Junior High School, High School / Madrasah Aliyah, and Vocational High School Academic Year 2010/2011.
See Article 6 Permendiknas No. 45 of 2010 in the above is simply to read that the government (in this case the Ministry of National Education) aims to provide the authority or authorities to the school / madrasah to be involved in determining the passing grade students (read: students). This is consistent with the paradigm of curriculum being developed by the government today, namely Education Unit Level Curriculum (SBC). In SBC, the spirit and principles of the intentionally put forward is to give more authority to the school / madrasa graduates to identify the outcome independently.
That students learn in a systematic ketentutasan-hirarkhial accordance with the competencies that have been defined, must go through the testing stages, ranging from Deuteronomy Daily (UH), Middle Deuteronomy Semester (UTS), Deuteronomy End Semester (UAS), Examination Schools / Madrasah (U.S. / M ), and the National Examination (UN). It is therefore appropriate if the government in 2011 was to determine the value of students' graduation involving school / madrasah. Although the portions did not reach fifty percent, but forty percent felt better than none at all. This so by some observers of education is also questionable, why "sixty-forty." Though the school / madrasah, in line with the paradigm of SBC, should receive the greatest share more, given the school / madrasah students really know the objective condition compared with the government.
Of course this is very different to previous years. Typically, government policy related to the implementation of the UN in each year are always pros and cons of getting a response. Many education experts or observers who reject the implementation of the UN, as counterproductive to the paradigm of decentralization in the education sector developed its own government.
This means that the UN policy of this 2011 release by the determination of students who are involved with the school / madrasah, is a trobosan policy in education. The proof is not drawn protests from many groups as in previous years. If any, it was not until propose to reject the implementation of the UN. Call it Zainuddin Maliki, from the Board of Education of East Java, said the UN in 2011 is still not an integral attention to aspects of assessment, only measure the cognitive aspect ansich, this certainly is the same as in previous years. measurement is directly proportional to the measured target competence, ie, in addition to cognitive psychomotor and affective aspects as well. (DUTA Masyarakat, 18 Januari 2011). (DUTA Society, January 18, 2011).
If traced further, see the system of graduation in Permendiknas determination No. 45 of 2010, contained in Article 5 and 6 had explained that forty percent of NA originating from the school / madrasah was a komulasi value between the average value of first semester report card, 2, 3, 4, and 5 for the level / junior high education level, semester 3, 4, and 5 for the level / education level of SMA / MA, and sixty percent longer be taken from the US / M. This means as well as indirectly determining the passing of UN 2011 is already accommodate the assessment of cognitive, psychomotor and affective. The assumption, forty percent of the value taken from the average value of report cards were already represented on the psychomotor and affective aspects. Because the school report cards made (read: teacher) has been adjusted with standard curriculum, which requires the assessment of students' cognitive load, aspects of psychomotor, and affective aspects in a comprehensive manner.
But on the other hand, in addition to UN policy in 2011 was positive aspresiasi received from many quarters, but still just menyisahkan implementative problems. For example assembled with pamahaman school / madrasah about sestem rating (criteria of graduation) and a package about the UN. As usual, the new policy products are always accompanied by the existence of socialization in order to provide understanding to the public. Exactly, a week after the enactment Permendiknas Number 45 Year 2011 regarding Graduation Criteria Participants Educate, Ministry of National Education (Events Calendar) center to disseminate to the public by holding press conferences to television and newspaper media, then followed up the socialization in the area-the areas that do Office of Education District City. But the result, when he heard the conversation of teachers who participated socialization, still complained of confusion, especially related to the UN about the package and presentation system determining students' graduation. Due between one another informant was not uniform in providing explanations. Alias diverse understanding. Some say, that the question of UN 2011 is composed of two packages, and also some say about that consisted of five peket. Of course this is very confusing as aksekutor teacher at the school / madrasah. Armed with such confusion, it might not be able to explain to other teachers at her school in more detail and palpable.
Also related to the U.S. / M, did enough with the value taken from UH and other values, or require schools to hold U.S. / M is formal. Because of some technical rules which speakers conveyed in the socialization process that also can be justified if the U.S. / M was taken from UH and other values. While other sources explained that the intended U.S. / M is the implementation of formal examinations conducted school / madrasah.
This new level of understanding of the rules have been impressed semerawut, yet again later on the practice implementation. Based on the original problem above can be assumed that the implementation of the UN in 2011 the end of April will be a lot of the problems that arise.This assumption is certainly not excessive, see kelazim that exist, that any new policies that are very susceptible to the level of understanding that is not appropriate because socialization is inadequate.
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